A Bit About Me
Everybody has a story, and mine has brought me to the conclusion that the world is a crazy place full of smoke and mirrors. The general public will never know what is in store for us. Our job is to work to earn tax so the businesses of the world can use governments to exploit the wealth generated by us the working class.
I'm fundamentally an introverted person and find beauty in just about every aspect of life. Beauty for me is anything that is emotionaly charged. You can't have a high without a low. It's the contrast of life and of people that make the world a fascinating place to live. You just have to sit and watch it at work. it's amazing!
Despite the distrust I have in our political systems, I love where I live and I love having the opportunity to be able to tell my view on life through photography. Sometimes it's not that pretty to look at but thats life. I accept all of it for what it is.
BasinView is just an extention of my photography. It is just expressing my thoughts on all aspects of how my experiences in life have led me to view the world in the way that I do.
I don't know where this is going but there is something in me telling me to go and find out for myself.
Thanks for your time and where ever you are, whoever you are with, I hope you get to love where you live too.
-John Rossi